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Writer's pictureElizabeth

I have a free Gift for you

I don't know about you but I have accepted a free Gift. That Gift is Jesus Christ.

Our family attended Liberty Baptist Church in Shawnee, Oklahoma when I was young. My new step-mother (Virginia) had been playing piano at the churches she had attended in her life and now that she was my new mother, we started attending Liberty. Liberty is a BIG church, there is a nursery, a school (which I graduated from), there was a larger youth attendance back then where we met and sang on Thursday evenings and then there was Wednesday night Bible study. I loved going to Junior Church on Sunday mornings though where we sang some wonderful songs and we learned about Christ. I was nine when I first noticed that I felt a tugging in my heart that I wanted to know more and more about Jesus. I had several friends in Junior Church that had accepted Jesus Christ into their heart and I saw how they were happier, seemed less frustrated with life and a little different (in a good way) but I had no idea why. I kept listening on Sunday and I would ask questions to our pastor but I still didn't see what was going on inside everyone else.

Until one Sunday... we had sung our song "Jesus Loves Me" and heard a story from the Bible and then I felt this HUGE tug on my heart. I started crying and all of a sudden felt as if something compelled me to go forward during the end of the service to talk to the pastor. I did. I was scared. I felt a little silly leaving my seat to go up-front to talk to him in front of my friends but it's as if I couldn't stop myself. I wanted to know more.

When I got to the front of our chapel, our pastor took me by the hand and said "How can I help you?" I didn't know what to say really but I knew I wanted more information. I ask him what it meant to be saved. He asked if I knew that Jesus Christ was tortured and died on the cross in Jerusalem over 2000 years ago just so he could save me from living in eternal damnation by Satan. I said yes. He said do you believe that Jesus loves you and did all this for you? Again, "Yes" was my answer. His last question caught my attention though..."Do you accept Jesus into your heart to take away all the sin in your life so that you can live eternally in Heaven when you pass away? I knew this answer, It was YES! I did. I wanted for Jesus to live in me so that I would always have hope. What type of hope you ask? I don't know about you but I have had so many difficult things happen in my life. Negative, heart-breaking things. Horrible things. But...with the hope and faith that I had learned through my Bible studies and preachings, I did, I had hope!

And you can have it too. You see, God didn't send his Son, Jesus to be tortured and die on the cross just for me, He did it for one and all, and that means you too. The Bible tells us in Romans 3:23 that ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We are not perfect, we never will be nor have been. When Christ died on the cross, he took the sins that we have committed in our lives and paid the price for them. NOW we can worship God in Heaven, and Jesus too, like He wants for us to do. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son (his only son) that whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life." That means that your debt of sin was paid for and we are now good to go to Heaven. HOWEVER...we must strive to share this wonderful news. Tell everyone so that they may have this free gift as well. So, I am sharing it with you. It costs nothing. All you have to do is believe, receive Christ into your heart and then open a Bible. You can learn from the Bible online, through and app, at church, from a friend and so many more places. Just seek Him out.

If you have any questions, please email me at I will be happy to talk with you. We can set up a time when you can call and hopefully God will provide me with the answers for the questions that you may have. I love you and want to see you in Heaven when I get there.



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Love your testimony


Thank you. I remember it like it was yesterday and also remember brother Gary, he is so kind.



And I am happy to have Christ in my heart too. Thank you Elizabeth for your testimony. When you come here please make some spaetzle.


I would be happy to, Virginia!

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